Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Roquefort and Honey Ice Cream

Last night I made the Roquefort and Honey Ice Cream from David Lebovitz's recent blog entry. Reading about it, it just struck me as such a bizarre combination of flavors that I had to try it. And bizarre is pretty much how it turned out. My brain was like, "mmm, ice cream.... sweet... delicious... uh, salty? Smelly?" The roquefort by itself was excellent. I don't think I'd ever tried it before. It's a sheep's milk blue cheese that can only be made in particular caves in France. Very strong flavor, but appealing, at least to me. At $27/lb, it didn't make for the cheapest pint of ice cream ever, but it was well worth the experiment. I need to try it again later (and try to come up with something that it would go well with) before I make any real judgement.

Roquefort and Honey Ice Cream - ingredients Roquefort and Honey Ice Cream - mixing yolks and milk Roquefort and Honey Ice Cream - straining custard over crumbled cheese Roquefort and Honey Ice Cream