Saturday, March 10, 2007

Challah with Chocolate

I wanted to get through a glut of bread flour and decided to make a simple challah recipe. Garnished with chocolate. I found a recipe for "Honey Challah" in Jeff Nathan's Adventures in Jewish Cooking, a book I got a while ago and somehow forgot about. Bad Ben. Anyway, the recipe turned out well. I haven't made bread in a while. It's super easy to do it with the stand mixer compared to kneading it by hand. I did one loaf (braid?) with the chocolate mixed right into the dough and another loaf with the chocolate just on top. Must use this book more often.

challah ingredients kneading challah dough challah going into oven freshly baked challah with chocolate challah going into oven freshly baked challah with chocolate cross-section, challah with chocolate mixed in cross-section, challah with chocolate on top