Sunday, July 25, 2004

Made the Lemon Pound Cake (Cake au Citron) from the The Art of the Cake. It's one of the simpler recipes from that book, but made a very nice pound cake. Very smooth, mild, not too sweet. I did forget again to lower the temperature to compensate for the dark non-stick pan. Little bit of crispiness around the outside. Once I collect a few more ingredients, and some free time, I want to work my way through a bunch of the recipes in that book. They get more and more complicated, but they look seriously classy and tasty.

This week, I need to take an inventory of the cake equipment I've accumulated and figure out what I still need to acquire to do the final wedding cake. I'm planning on doing a full-scale test towards the end of August. Also need to pick up some ingredients to start practicing chocolate decorations, leaves and stuff. And I need to get on the ball about tracking down an organic florist. Whole Foods flower section, maybe?

Below, heating the apricot preserves to make glaze, straining the glaze, laying out the ingredients for the cake, mincing the lemon zest, cake batter going into the oven (like my teeny tiny new oven?), cake fresh out of the oven, cake glazed and ready to go:
poundcake-glaze1 poundcake-glaze2 poundcake-misenplace poundcake-lemonzest poundcake-batter poundcake-baked poundcake-glazed