Monday, November 14, 2005

Pumpkin Souffle

I've been trying to think of something fun to make for Thanksgiving. Something a little fancier than the usual pumpkin pie, but not too fancy. I do love pumpkin pie. I've also been wanting to try out a souffle for a while, so to knock two things off my list at once, I decided to come up with a pumpkin souffle recipe. That's right, I made up a recipe. Well, okay, I started with a chocolate souffle recipe from my culinary school textbook, but I totally reworked it, mostly. I did a trial run tonight because I didn't want Thanksgiving to come around and my recipe to turn out to be disgusting at the last minute, seeing how I basically made it up. Well, it turned out pretty freakin' good. Actually, I couldn't find anyone at the last minute to help me eat them, so... I kinda had five at once. What? Souffles don't keep. Ask anyone! I would have finished them off, too, but ugh... just too much. Take my advice, stop at three.

If there's any interest, I can post the recipe.

UPDATE: Recipe is now available.

Pumpkin Souffle - mis en place Pumpkin Souffle - mixing base Pumpkin Souffle - finished base Pumpkin Souffle - whipping egg white Pumpkin Souffle - folding egg whites into base Pumpkin Souffle - ready for baking Pumpkin Souffle - fresh from the oven Pumpkin Souffle